
Integrate mobile payments and monetize with Mocopay

Our developer center provides all the details for a simple and smooth integration so you could easily add mobile payments with Mocopay.


Android SDK is custom development library which enables you to integrate MoCoPay payment into any Android application with smallest possible effort needed.

There are two types of payment flow supported by Android SDK:

  1. NATIVE flow – user expirience is fully adjusted to Android enviroment (native views are used as payment forms).


  1. WEB flow – attractive payment forms which are presented to the end user are HTML5 based and adjusted to the inApp purchases.


Which flow will be used while integrating MoCoPay SDK, depends on developers preferences and flow availability in specific country. Both types are highly effective and designed to boost your conversions.

Before starting to use SDK in you application read following instructions carefully and make sure that you have fulfilled all mandatory preconditions.