
Integrate mobile payments and monetize with Mocopay

Our developer center provides all the details for a simple and smooth integration so you could easily add mobile payments with Mocopay.


Cross-platform API is integration type which can be used by any platform capable to issue HTTP requests. It is recommended to use it for services which are made on platforms not covered with native MoCoPay SDKs.

Generally, this integration is most time cunsumly but it gives developer the biggest degree of freedom in implementation.

In this integration type payment flow is based on presenting the user attractive, responsive, HTML5 based MoCoPay payment forms which instruct him how he can pay for wanted content (e.g. send SMS with his mobile phone). URL where those forms can be found is communicated dynamically via response on HTTP command initPayment (described in following chapters).

Example of payment forms:



Mobile payment forms



Web payment forms